Addio a Ratzinger

ELETTO PAPA: BENEDETTO XVI, IL SIGNORE CI AIUTERA' Newly elected Pope Benedict XVI greets pilgrims on the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica after his election, Vatican City, Tuesday 19 April 2005. Joseph Ratzinger of Germany chose Benedict XVI as the name he will be calling himself as the new pope. The last pope to choose such a name was Benedict XV, Italian-born Giacomo della Chiesa, who ruled the church between 1914 and 1922. Ratzinger is the eight German to be elected pope. ANSA / Oliver Berg / PAL


Quanno che un papa torna dar Creatore

pe noi romani so’ grosse emozzioni.

Se poi pensamo a quele dimissioni

e a quer tormento, ce se logra er core.